Is writing an arduous task?

 “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
― Ernest Hemingway

I bet you heard of Hemingway. Who doesn’t, right? Like the dead man once said, writing is nothing. That’s exactly what I thought. Writing is nothing at all and by all odds, it is not an arduous task. It’s just a caricature of language in a textual form. But, I wouldn’t say writing is a very easy task either. Picture this. You are sitting in front of your desk. A blank sheet of paper and a pen are given to you. You are required to write something. Time’s ticking. You are probably going to say “What am I suppose to write?” or “Where do I begin?” Trust me, these questions is so common that you can’t dodge them. I doubt each and every one of you thinks the same way. In fact, writing can be quite thought-provoking and finicky. I bet a good deal of your brain cells are diminishing with every second of thinking, learning and reasoning while you are writing.

Unlike speaking, writing is a process where you need to center on the grammatical and structural.  In writing, any idea must be supported with specific reasons or details. It involves a broad horizon of cognitive, thinking skills, abstract thought, motor, linguistic, each with its own assign tasks that help shape the writing process.  Are you still with me? If you view writing in a much simpler perspective, writing is merely letters or symbols. Okay let me put it this way, see the title of my blog? Well, just like the phrase says, writing is like a cauldron of spells. All you need is the right ingredients of vocabulary, grammar, structure, and organization. Stir up all the props in the cauldron until you see big blobs of bubbles and the spell is done. Besides, writing is made up of atoms of feelings, memories, thoughts and imaginations. I like how Einstein’s view on imagination. He quoted “Logic will get you from A-Z; but imagination will get you everywhere.” Have you ever read a book where the characters are so alive that they might come crawling out from the depths of a book? That’s a chef-d’oeuvre of a writer. Writing  is not toilsome nor easy. Imagine yourself as a puppeteer. You control the marionette (which represents the characters) that is in your story. You maneuvered them throughout the play with a good story plot. Make them as lively as they can be  and you’ll be surprised at the reaction of the audience.

Anyway, “is writing an arduous task?” I got to say it is neither arduous nor easy.  It depends. Some people might find it easy when it comes to writing. Picking up a pen or a pencil and start writing like there’s no tomorrow. But what about people who find writing a very difficult thing to do? They couldn’t find the right words and they are beating their brains just to find ways to explain their writing. So you see, different people have different views regarding whether writing is arduous or not but to me, I’m on the neutral side of the PH paper.


Plus-minus of Cohabitation.

As the years go by, people had begun to spring up all sorts of unusual lifestyles. One of them is Cohabitation. Now what exactly is Cohabitation? Cohabitation is what we relate as people who are not married to each other living together while involved in a romantic or intimate relationship. Is that a right thing to do? I mean, you’re not married but living together. It’s just doesn’t sound right at all.

Cohabitation is so popular nowadays that it is regarded as a typical pattern for most people, especially young adults. Did you know that cohabitation has actually more cons than pros? Take a look at the rate of divorces. One of the factors that drive the rate divorce to its peak is cohabitation. Most of you wouldn’t have guessed this if I hadn’t told you. Am I right?  There’s a debate over this issue by some skeptical human beings. Saying that it’s a way to test the water before they commit themselves to marriage. More or less like testing the right temperature of the water before you get into a bath. Some even said it’s a phase in getting to know each other more like habits. Which is undeniably true. But the thing is, they don’t get that cohabitation is extremely unhealthy.

How unhealthy can it be? You might think. First of all, this lifestyle of living can actually lead couples to engage in more arguments. Arguments about trivial matters that doesn’t worth arguing about. Plus, when things get rough. Bam! One of them will declare that he or she is out of this, then they packed all their stuffs and just leave and never came back. But if you’re married, officially married, as a matter of fact, you wouldn’t take things lightly like that. You’ll actually think things through. There’s always ups and downs in one’s life. Now do you see where my point heading. Another thing is, they get tired of one another. Living in the same house and while dating had turned to something called a “fake marriage”. They’ll probably think that marriage commitment is just some paper works and it doesn’t really matters a lot to them. Eventually, their relationship never progresses.

Women who spend their relationship in cohabitation will waste a lot of their time if the relationship never progresses.  With a blink of an eye, time flies, so does the age. The older the woman is, the lower the possibility of childbearing. Plus, finding another compatible partner will consume time too. What’s more, cohabiting women are more likely than married women to suffer physical and sexual abuse. Ultimately, cohabitation lifestyle cannot be measured and compete itself against marriage. It’s not capable of being substitutable. People should learn that not only it is morally wrong but it’s insalubrious. Cohabitation may lead to emotionally and physically unbalanced in an individual.

10 New Year’s Resolutions.

1. Make New Friends :) 

2. Learn Something New. Rock climbing, play a guitar or maybe a foreign language? There’s so much interesting and exciting stuffs out there for me to master. If only i could find a lasting enthusiasm. 

3. Stop Letting Procrastination Eats Me Up. Procrastination had really been nuisance to me lately. I hope to brush it off as soon as possible. It’s a very negative habit. 

4. Make the usual, unusual. For example, try combo-colors for an outfit instead of wearing boring colors. 

5. Keep A Journal.

6. Do Something Nice For Others :)

7.  Get Out From The House Often. As much as i love spending my time at home, I’ve been staying at home for much too long. Sooner or later i might turned into a stone. I need some fresh air.

8. Be Less Paranoid. 

9. Smile More Perhaps? People told me I’ve got a face of an ice and that leads them to judging me with an icy personality. Which i’m not. 

10. Deal with my phobias.


A Futuristic Email From Me.

The smell of a new year had arrived.

Outside, the booming and crackling sounds of the fireworks are drumming against my window. I felt like my window’s going to crack sooner or later with that extreme exploding noise. Sometimes, my imagination gets pretty weird. I draw my curtains and take a peek at the stunning view of the fireworks. I’m held captivated. It’s amazing how a painfully dark sky can turn into something so mesmerizing just by setting the trails of bright sparks of fireworks. My mind wanders off into deep thoughts. How mankind can come up with such a bedazzling invention?  The human mind is such an enigma.

Just as I was engrossed in my thoughts, all of a sudden, the notification sound of an email received, pulled me back from reality. It took me a second before I adjusted myself to the surroundings.  I get myself up from the couch and strode lazily towards my desk wondering who might it be sending an email to me at such an hour. My friends rarely send me an email. They prefer sending me messages. Neither does my family nor relatives. Hmm.

I maneuvered my mouse towards the email icon and clicked it. The pop-up enlarged and it’s entitled “Open  Immediately”and the most bizarre thing is that the sender is none other than me, the Future “Me”. I stood there mouth agape with shock on my face. Somewhere in my brain tells me it’s probably some sort of prank. But the words kept echoing through my head. Plus, the email address looks kind of genuine.  I can’t help but to look further into what it says. I’m a very curious soul to begin with. The email existence is just unfathomable. Frankly, I think this whole thing is a sham.

Enclosed with the email is a cryptic message that is, according to the way I conceived it, is, it has something to do with hieroglyphics, I think.  And situated next it to it, is a file which I think is a short film. If it is a prank and I’m asked to grade it from one to ten. I’ll give it an eleven. No, seriously. This person has gone to such extremities for this prank and I’m impressed by his or her work.

I downloaded both files. Getting ready and betting myself whether it is a joke or the other way round. I opened it and this is where things are starting to get creepy. At first, the video is buzzing noisily with black and white background and then it began to adjust itself and the film became clearer. A silhouette appears and slowly emerging from the screen. I saw a woman around mid forties with shiny black hair that falls straight from her crown. She possessed a pair of hazelnut eyes, just like me. On her head, clasped a headphone. She wore a very futuristic costume, the color of deep platinum gray, for a moment, I thought I’m actually watching the Star Wars right from my computer screen. As I came to collect more information on this person, I realized the person was actually me. The future “me”.

The film is still surrounded with assorted noises. I can mistily hear some jumbling voices speaking in some linguistic communication I don’t understand. The lights in my room began to flicker. I’m wholly spooked out. Then she began to talk. “Hi Isabell. Before anything else, I’m actually you from the future. It’s the year 2045 on my parallel dimension here. Please don’t be frightened. I’m actually here to pass you an important message”. She paused and showed me the cryptic message that was exactly the same as the one she enclosed me in the email. “See, this?”

“ It’s a very important message that I want you to solve. It’s written in the ancient hieroglyphic language. In the year 2045, languages are altered in a way that every human is required to use pictorial symbols. “ I want you to figure out the message and find the item before the year of 2040. I can’t tell the message directly to you in this film because it might trigger with the time dimension but I can release some clues for you to find it. All I can say is, it has a high possibility that this item might be of great use to you and mankind in the coming 2040. You will survive through the years. Each of the pictorial symbols in the message refers to a place on Earth. Collect the keywords on each place and ensemble everything into a message. The message will lead you to the item I mentioned.

Good Luck! You won’t hear from me after this email. You can choose to ignore this email but not all are given this opportunity. There is so much things that I want to tell and reveal to you but unfortunately I can’t. It’s against the universal laws to do that. Even from the future. The lights in my bedroom flicker again and the video ended.

I sat there, immobile. Reminiscing what I just heard. This is totally ridiculous. The email had disappeared and the blinding lights of the sun came penetrating through my curtains. Did I just sit in front of my desk, watching the video till the dawn? The film lasted only a few minutes. This is getting weirder. I heard my name calling from the hallway. I wanted to rise from my seat but my legs won’t move. Suddenly, everything is spiraling up. All the furnitures are vague and fuzzy. The chair, the wardrobe, the floor even the wall.  On the spur of the moment, a portal came out of nowhere, right in front of me and suck me in and then I eventually woke up. Beads of sweat rolled down on my face. Phew. It was just a stupid dream. I pull my blankets aside and glance at the alarm clock. Oh no! I’m late for class.